ICD Logo and Theme

The XIV International Congress of Dermatology (ICD 2025) logo incorporates references to Rome, as depicted by its well-known emblem, the Colosseum, as well as the various countries and routes leading to the Eternal City. Each geographical area is marked by a certain colour, and the mediaeval proverb ‘All roads lead to Rome’ appears to be accurate.
The ICD will look into the future of dermatology by bringing together doctors, researchers, and industry to promote and improve skin health for all. It will be a congress without frontiers that celebrates dermatology, as reflected by the six Roads of Dermatology that cross geographical boundaries and bring the world to the city where history and modernity collide.
The congress will promote dermatology and improve skin health for everybody by increasing cooperation across geographical, political, and economic frontiers. It will present a broad, in-depth, and exciting scientific program that will not only cover clinical areas but will also enhance patient and community involvement and understanding of basic and translational research.