Abstract Submission

Regular and Late Breaking Abstracts submission are closed.
Thank you for all your submissions!

Important note

If your registration is covered by a third party, please inform the secretariat to ensure correct registration.

Acceptance notification

Authors of Late Breaking Abstracts will be notified from March 2025 as to the acceptance status of their submissions. This includes the assignment of session category and presentation format (oral or poster). Detailed instructions regarding requirements and instructions for oral and poster presentations will also be provided at that time.

If your abstract is accepted, you must register no later than 30th April 2025, before the abstract can officially be accepted for inclusion in the final scientific program.

Disclosure of potential conflict of interest (e.g., grant support, consultancy, membership on advisory councils, speaker’s bureau) by presenting authors and source of funding are mandatory.

Download COI Form

Once accepted for presentation, following information is applicable:

Consent to Publication and Assignment of Copyright

  1. Abstracts accepted will be published in the exact form submitted. Therefore, submitters are to ensure that all information submitted is correct and accurate.
  2. The submitter expressly agrees to the following:
    1. The submitter warrants that he or she is the author of the original material contained in the abstract and warrants that the proprietor of all rights in copyright pertaining to the abstract (which may in certain cases may not be the submitter or author but the author’s employer);
    2. In consideration of Congress accepting the abstract for publishing and the professional benefits arising from such publication, the submitter (including any co- authors) and/or proprietor of all rights in copyright pertaining to the abstract agrees to the assignment of all rights in copyright in relation to the abstract to the International Society of Dermatology (“ISD”), including but not limited to:
      1. The right to publish the abstract in electronic form or any other medium;
      2. The non-exclusive right to grant permission to third parties to re-publish the abstract in whole or in part without having to obtain further permission from the proprietor;
      3. The right to re-publish the article in a collection of abstracts in any format including print and electronic media;
    3. notwithstanding the above, the author(s) of the abstract shall retain the moral rights of right of attribution of authorship and right to the integrity of his or her work in the abstract.

Use of Information

  1. The submitter agrees that Congress and ISD may process the submitter’s personal data, including storing or transferring such data outside of the country of the submitter’s residence, in order to process transactions related to the publishing and/or presentation of the abstract.

Confidentiality of Abstract(s)

  1. Abstracts submitted to Congress are considered confidential by Congress until publicly presented and/or published in connection with the Congress. Prior to such presentation or publishing, the author(s), research sponsors, or proprietors of the copyright in the abstract(s) may not make the information public or use the information for trading purposes without obtaining prior written permission from Congress.

Embargo policy

  1. The embargo for data presented orally ends at the start of the session where the data are presented.

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